Testnet Guide

This is a guide to integrate and test smol domains on arbitrum testnet with .smoltest

Minting a Domain

First you will need to obtain testnet ETH, Learn more on how get some here https://docs.infura.io/infura/networks/arbitrum/how-to/get-testnet-eth

Once you have done that head over to the .smoltest contract, and navigate to function #9 Mint

In domainName input the domain you want to mint, in this case i would get astro.smoltest, in the _domainHolder and _referrer fields input the address you want to mint the domain to than click "Write"

Integrating onto your site

To get a users default domain you want to call function 2 on this resolver contract: https://testnet.arbiscan.io/address/0xe2b9bC4c1d65B5F5583144d9d5c5F0683158C372#readProxyContract

In the _addr field input the users address than put .smoltest in the _tld field and click "Query" to get the users default domain

Last updated